Rút tiền

Rút tiền từ tài khoản giao dịch Moneta Markets của bạn

Rút tiền nhanh chóng và đơn giản

Tất cả khách hàng của Moneta Markets có thể rút tiền nhanh chóng và dễ dàng bằng cách đăng nhập vào Cổng thông tin Khách hàng của mình.

Làm sao để rút tiền

  • Đăng nhập vào
    Cổng thông tin khách hàng
    Moneta Markets của bạn

  • Nhấp vào
    "Tiền - Rút Tiền"
    ở menu bên trái

  • Điền đầy đủ thông tin và
    lệnh rút tiền của bạn sẽ được
    xử lý trong một thời gian ngắn

Tùy vào phương thức thanh toán mà bạn lựa chọn, lệnh rút tiền sẽ được xử lý trong vòng từ 1-3 ngày làm việc.

  • When submitting a withdrawal request, funds must be withdrawn using the same method and account details as the deposit method.
  • Due to AML/CTF rules and regulations, Moneta Markets cannot deposit funds to third parties. All money withdrawn from your account must go to an account in the same name as your Moneta Markets trading account.
  • In the event that an alternative payment gateway is unable to process a withdrawal, we will process immediately via bank transfer. To do so, clients are required to provide a copy of a bank statement and submit an online bank wire withdrawal request.
  • All withdrawal requests are processed Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm (GMT+10). Requests received after 7 pm will be processed on the next business day. Please note that our bank cut off time is 4 PM (GMT+10) and withdrawals processed after this time will not leave our bank account till next business day.
  • International bank wire transfers attract a minimum fee of 20 units of your trading account base currency i.e. 20 USD. Moneta Markets will deduct this fee from the withdrawal amount prior to depositing to the nominated bank account. Please contact your bank regarding any fees they may charge you for the services they provide.
  • Clients acknowledge that they may be required to provide information and/or documents on the source(s) of the deposit(s) and/or the Clients' source of wealth in general when processing a withdrawal request and agree to provide all information and/or documents required Moneta Markets. Moneta Markets reserves the right to refuse to process a withdrawal request where a Client does not provide all required information, and/or where Moneta Markets has reasonable concerns that doing so may result in breaches of the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws and regulations (AML/CTF Laws).
  • Clients acknowledge that Moneta Markets does not guarantee a recall of a financial transaction under any circumstances and that Moneta Markets is not liable for any losses suffered as a result of providing incorrect instructions or incorrect details of the destination account.
  • Moneta Markets reserves the rights to refuse to process a withdrawal request if it has reasonable grounds to believe that the trading account may turn into a negative balance after the withdrawal request is processed.
  • Moneta Markets reserves the right to refuse a withdrawal request if the trading account is subject to a charge-back investigation.

Bắt đầu giao dịch với 3 bước đơn giản

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